Celebrity Drinks: Favorite Sips of 10 Washington, D.C. Celebrities

There isn’t much Washington can agree on these days, but if there’s one unimpeachable truth in this town, it’s that everyone loves a good drink. Some of the most powerful people in this city are also its most ardent imbibers. Here’s what famous people from Washington past and present order when they sidle up to a bar.
Vincent Gray: Local Beer
No word on whether he drinks it himself, but Mayor Vincent Gray certainly supports local beer. During his term, this city has seen the number of breweries within its limits expand tremendously. And last month, the mayor arrived at an interview on The Kojo Nmamdi Show with a couple of six packs of DC Brau in hand.
Sandra Bullock: Cheap Red Wine
The movie star grew up just outside D.C. proper, attending Washington and Lee High School in North Arlington. In an interview with People Magazine, her co-star in The Proposal, Ryan Reynolds, said Bullock likes to unwind with an inexpensive glass of red wine.
Mike Isabella: Basil Hayden’s
Washington’s most prolific celebrity chef, who operates Graffiato and Bandolero (and soon-to-open Kapnos and G on 14th Street), said in an interview with Brightest Young Things that his favorite drink is Basil Hayden’s bourbon. Either straight or, though it isn’t listed on the menu at any of his restaurants, with a little bit of apple cider.
Francis Underwood: Maker’s Mark
The only politician in D.C. to be universally liked, Francis Underwood is the wheeling and dealing House Majority Whip from the fictional TV series House of Cards. This first season has shown him sipping on just about everything from beer to wine and more, but during Episode 8, he and his college crooners put back a couple bottles of Maker’s Mark before running around their old campus.
Dan Snyder: Crown Royal
The Redskin’s owner enjoys high-end red wines, but his most well-known association with alcohol is Crown Royal. After enjoying shots of it with his general manager, he hopped on a plane and flew to Denver, where he convinced the Redskins’ current coach, Mike Shanahan, to join the team.
Elena Kagan: Pisco Sour
Alongside Sonia Sotomayor, the two newest women on the Supreme Court are known for eating out in D.C. Kagan’s been seen around town sipping on pisco sours. That may be the drink of choice of this country’s highest court — Antonin Scalia has been known to order them as well.
Alex Ovechkin: Vodka
D.C.’s best hockey player (and Moscow resident in the offseason), Alex Ovechkin likes to stick to bars that remind him of home. He can be found at Russia House as well as the new Mari Vanna putting back Russian vodka.
Barack Obama: Beer
The most famous of Washingtonians sticks to the most American of drinks. Our 43rd President sipped on Bud Light at his now infamous beer summit. It’s also known that the White House brews its own beer for Barack — check out details on White House Honey Ale and Honey Porter here.
Bryce Harper: Nothing
Soon to be the biggest name in baseball, Bryce Harper doesn’t put them back. When the Nationals clinched the NL East title last year, he poured himself some apple cider. That’s not just because he hasn’t yet turned 21. Because he of his Mormon faith, he doesn’t plan on imbibing even when he comes of age.
George Washington: Rye Whiskey
Our first president may have never lived in Washington, D.C., but this town wouldn’t exist without him. And it wouldn’t exist without alcohol. In a letter to the Continental Congress, he implored them to give his troops alcohol to improve morale. He also brewed his own spirits, with a fondness for rye whiskey.