The Master Sommelier Scandal is Now the Subject of a New Investigative Series
There's a new investigative series about one of the biggest scandals to ever hit the wine world.
Almost a year after a cheating scandal broke within the Court of Master Sommeliers — wherein several sommeliers were stripped of their titles after it was discovered that some of them were sharing answers — Newsy has released a new video that takes a closer look at this unprecedented controversy.
Though it was nearly impossible to determine which sommeliers actually received answers, anyone in that year was punished, and 23 master sommeliers lost their titles after years of preparation. Newsy has something to say about this specifically, and they actually uncovered a very important piece of information about this sentencing: it seems as if the Board put minimal effort into finding out who did receive answers, electing to punish everybody rather than digging deeper.
Newsy also released a document that revealed sommeliers could be punished for verbally demeaning the Court or any of its associated sommeliers in any way, requiring them to sign a declaration that feels akin to an NDA.
Dustin Wilson, who was featured in the SOMM film series and still holds his title as a Master Sommelier, is largely supportive of the Court, but did say (regarding the document), "I took that as, you know, 'Be quiet. Don't question our authority or we'll kick you out.' There are some fundamental things that are wrong."
Photo via Pixabay user Jill Wellington