Christian School Boots Bearded Professor After His Face Shows Up on a Beer Can
Let this be lesson about where you show your face. A well-bearded Charleston Southern University associate professor recently found himself out of a job when unbeknownst to him, his hirsute mug showed up on a can of beer.
Paul Roof was showing off his fearsome and most formidable facial topiary for judges at a beard contest in New Orleans last year when a photographer snapped a shot of him. When Holy City Brewing later used that same image on cans of its Chucktown Follicle Brown, Roof got a pink slip at work. According to Gawker, his employers at the Christian liberal arts school argued that the beer placement was "not representative of a Christian environment."
Roof is now suing the school, and fired back his former employers, saying:
"I was told that it was not representative of a Christian environment. And for me a Christian environment entails two things: looking out for other people and forgiveness of others who've transgressed you."
So much for Christian values, and that whole live and let live thing.
Meanwhile, Holy City Brewing issued a statement, saying:
"HCB is shocked and disappointed at the news that our good friend Paul Roof was fired from CSU for his image on our beer can. We brewed Chucktown Follicle Brown for the Holy City Beard and Mustache Society to help raise money for Lowcountry Women with Wings at their annual Southeastern Beard and Mustache Championships. Paul is a good man and is a huge part of the Charleston community that has helped raise tons of money for Charleston charities."
No matter how you slice, it’s all a big hairy mess.
Photo: Paul Roof/Facebook
Tags: Beer, News