Newcastle Brown Ale Releases Video Featuring Aubrey Plaza Calling for Brands to Band Together for Super Bowl Ad

If you’re not a sports enthusiast, chances are you’re looking forward to the Super Bowl not for the game, but for the food, beer and of course, the ads. A 30-second spot during the Super Bowl costs upwards of four million dollars, and double that for a 60-second spot. Newcastle Brown Ale has a proposition for all the small companies out there that want in on the sweet Super Bowl airtime this year.
Newcastle claims, “Football is a team sport. Now marketing is too.” It’s called Newcastle’s “Band of Brands.” In the campaign video, Parks and Recreation’s Aubrey Plaza calls on other small companies that don’t want to blow their marketing budgets on paying for a Super Bowl ad. She proclaims, “We can help your brand sell tons of whatever the (bleep) your brands sell.” Newcastle is looking for around 20 to 30 brands to help fund the “most exciting, jam-packed, fiscally responsible game day ad ever.” Check out the Band of Brands campaign video featuring Aubrey Plaza, an adorable puppy and a guy with really nice teeth.
Photo via YouTube
Tags: Beer, Sports