Deceptive Practices Lawsuit Results in Refunds for Beck's Beer Drinkers

Well, if you happen to be a Beck's beer drinker, you just might be eligible for such the fortune.
As reported by the JDJ Journal, in light of a settlement approved on June 23 of a class-action lawsuit filed by a group of South Florida law firms, any persons that bought Beck's beer since May 11, 2011 up until the settlement date is entitled to up to $50, as long as they kept their receipt. Those without proof of purchase will only walk away with a modest $12 at most.
The lawsuit was filed as a means to protect the American people, stating that Beck's has been "marketing beer in a way that misleads consumers into believing that Beck's Beer is German, still imported from Germany, claiming that Beck's Beer 'originated in Germany' with 'German quality' while ‘brewed under the German Purity Law of 1516’."
However, CNN Money notes that Beck's has been brewed in St. Louis, Missouri since 2012 to save the company millions of dollars each year in transportation costs. Therefore, the "German" beer is just about as German as Bud Light, which is brewed in the exact same brewery.
Tags: Beer