Where to Toast to Repeal Day 2017 in D.C.

Copycat Co.
The sultry cocktail bar located on the second floor of the two-story H Street spot that slings Chinese street food offers plenty of old-school drinks perfect for sipping on Repeal Day. Devin Gong’s menu rotates weekly, but can you always expect the classics like Old Fashioneds, Rickeys, Daiquiris, Manhattans and Martinis. (1110 H St, NE; 202-241-1952).
DC Craft Bartender’s Guild 10th Annual Repeal Day Ball
The 10th annual iteration of the DC Craft Bartender’s Guild Repeal Day Ball will take place at the Mellon Auditorium. Attendees will enjoy craft cocktails curated by the district’s best bartenders all against a Prohibition-era setting. Tickets start at $90.
Jack Rose Dining Saloon
The Adams Morgan whiskey bar is encouraging all patrons and partygoers to celebrate like it’s 1933 at their 6th Annual Repeal Day Fete. The 1930’s inspired soiree will feature burlesque dancers; Prohibition-era whiskey, cocktails and punches; and a costume contest - come dressed in your best flapper attire for a chance to win cocktails at Dram & Grain. December 5, 5 PM - close. (2007 18th St, NW; 202-588-7388)
Service Bar
Count on the U Street cocktail bar for classic drinks to commemorate Repeal Day. There’s no better way to celebrate than with timeless cocktails like Daiquiris, Old Fashioneds and MInt Juleps - all of which are available for $7 all day every day. (928 U St, NW; 202-462-7232)
Quarter + Glory
The American cocktail bar on 14th Street exudes an old-school feel - classic libations to sip on Repeal Day include the Old Fashioned, Manhattan, French 75 and the Q+G Daiquiri in addition to a variety of Bucks and Mules. (2017 14th St, NW; 202-450-5757)
Photo via Flickr user star5112