Beer Gadgets from CES 2011

In case you missed it, or aren’t Geek-savvy enough to know of it’s existence, this past Sunday wrapped up the four day Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
The exhibit has been reoccurring every year for more than four decades, and showcases the latest technological developments in more than a dozen categories, from companies all over the world.
Amongst all the future technology and high tech gadgetry (including soup that cooks itself and a barrage of High Def 3D TV’s) there were a couple of toys in particular that perked our interests.
There isn’t much that excites us more than beer gadgets, and we are always trying to find as many as possible (check out some more HERE). While other companies are trying to innovate the technologies of the future, a couple true pioneers are focused on the important things. Like beer.
Enter, NVIDIA’s Keg PC Casemod. The Keg PC is a cylindrical tower that comes equipped with a pair of GTX580 graphics cards inSLI, with the new Sandy Bridge CPU. But perhaps the most important mod of all lies in its core, which is an actual keg of beer. And just when you thought that we didn’t need more reasons to be stuck in front of our computers?
In fact Sierra Nevada loved the idea so much they decided to sponsor it, and fear not, as a cooling system keeps the beer cold despite being encased in a computer. The keg also separates from the rest of the system for refilling. Unfortunately this computer isn’t for retail sale, but that just might be a good thing.
Another interesting discovery is the “Be a Headcase” iPhone cover. The hard cover retails at $24.99 and comes equipped with a beer bottle opener on backside. Sweet enough? It also has a conjoining application that records each time you use it, tallying the amount of beers you consume. It will also play a sound effect with each bottle popped, which you can choose yourself or pick from a list of preprogrammed animal noises, which you can try imitating as the night goes on.
In other non-alcohol related, yet equally as important news, the Star Wars Trilogy was also announced to be released on Blu-Ray. We’re hoping they forget about the “Prequels”.