Beer As a Sports Drink?

Traditionally, the only physical activities associated with beer are the movementa required to pour it down your gullet, and perhaps whatever mischief your alcohol-addled mind stumbles into.
A certain German brewery is trying to change this, however. Erdinger Alkoholfrei is a wheat beer specifically marketed as a regenerative sports drink. Erdinger has been brewing for 125 years and it’s non-alcoholic brew is currently the most popular alcohol free beer in Germany.
The beer itself contains minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates to help restore and re-hydrate the body after intense physical activity. The company has been advertising it as a sports drink since 2001, and most recently at the World Cup biathlons in Maine.
Professor Mary Ellen Camire at the University of Maine, claims that while beer contains B Vitamins, potassium and carbs which are all good for the body after physical activity, she’s doubtful whether they contain them at levels adequate for athletes.
We usually stick to the timeless adage pertaining to non-alcoholic beer, which is; “What’s the point?”. However, chugging down a high ABV craft brew after running great distances (as some may have learned from their frat days) could possibly lead to vomiting and further dehydration. Thus, we grant this as a viable alternative.
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