Personal Beer Robot
They say that innovation is often born of necessity, but every now and then we get something amazing out of the pursuit of laziness. And science. And robots.
With a background in Physchology and Biology, Ryan Rusnak set out to accomplish something that we once could only dream of – build a refrigerated robot that takes drink orders, aims and fires beer cans from across the room, and tweets what it’s up to.
The Personal Beer Robot which can be viewed below is controlled through an iobridge204 and an iPhone. Ryan tells us that at present, it can only handle cans (for safety reasons), but worked with his friend to get an accurate beer-tossing machine.
While it’s completely awesome and everyone wants one, Ryan says requests are pretty high. Demand is increasing even more, with features on the Discovery channel and the UK’s Graham Norton show. He has expressed interest in developing a 2.0, but there’s no set timeline at the moment.
Drink Philly Science Labs are hard at work creating a beer robot of our own that fires draught beer from across the room, but thus far have only succeeded in hurting ourselves and causing a mess.