Beer Review: Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

You know that beer you wait and wait and wait all year for? That you not-so-subtly drop hints about to the brewery rep, hoping that the next time she sees you she’ll present you with a bottle, resplendent in its copper opacity, quietly foaming head and deliciously horrifying Halloween label? For me, that’s Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale, a refreshing take on the seasonal style from the Easton, PA brewery, currently available in 14 states from Maine to Minnesota.
Appearance: This beer is like a body at rest – peaceful and still, yet one that proves its zest for life by emitting a few microscopic lines of bubbles that march leisurely-but-assertively toward the top of the glass. The head is light but dressed in a rich ivory hue. Lacing is equally delicate.
Aroma: This pumpkin beer is not afraid to unfurl its spice scent. Redolent of cinnamon and other curl-up-by-the-fireplace spices, the scent of this ale captures the essence of fall.
Flavor: This is a medium-bodied beer that’s caramel-y – almost creamy – on the tongue. It’s sweet, but not cloying, cut by an almost unidentifiable tease of pepper that rests on the back of the tongue until the next gulp. The 8% ABV rating lends a warm flush to round out the taste.
All in all, Weyerbacher has done right with this seasonal, available from late August through November. Can’t wait to see what they come with for the label next year, after the company goes through the total rebranding we mentioned last month.