Allagash Dubbel Ale Review

I ran into Allagash’s Rob Tod at Jose Pistola’s on Thursday night, who told me, for the second time, how much he loves Philly. You can tell, too, because the man bolted between about 37 different events during beer week then had the good nature to show up for an unannounced appearance on “Late Night with Joe Gunn.” To reciprocate his appreciation of Philadelphia and beer, I’m reviewing his Dubbel this week, my second favorite American-brewed version of the style (the best, in my opinion, being Project Venus, an all-female collaboration brewed only once this past Spring).
I smelled aromas of honey nectar flecked with hints of orange peel, or maybe the first droplets of sap to trickle forth from a maple tree in early fall. The color was a rich reddish copper that supported a delicate tan-ivory head, and the lacing it left behind was a solid thin ring above an intricate consortium of haphazard patterns.
The taste isn’t complex, but rather is supported by a healthy malty balance, the essence of fruity Belgian yeast and a supple mouthfeel. It tastes like dessert, with slight reminders of allspice or nutmeg -- something I’d want to eat with cake, or add to a cake mix. It finishes with an off-dry, almost bitter tingle, like a Brut or an Extra Sec sparkling wine. The brewery describes the finish as having “subtle hints of chocolate and nuts” but I don’t get that.
In my view, a Dubbel is a very feminine beer. It’s not that it appeals primarily to women or that guys look effeminate when they drink it. It’s that the medium body and the taste of baking spices lend it a light sugary flavor that reminds me of a warm breeze cascading through the leaves on a bright spring afternoon.
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