7 Billion People Means We're Going to Run Out of Beer

Today – or at least some point in the very near future – the world’s population will hit the 7 billion mark. Anyone alive in 1940 has seen the number of humans on this planet triple. No matter what day we actually cross the 7B milestone, that’s a lot of people, and growth is expected to continue for some time – by 2050 we could be up to a ten-thousand-million folks sharing the globe.
This presents a problem, as Earth’s resources are limited, and The Drink Nation has calculated that very soon there will not be enough beer to go around. Water will become more and more scarce, and since it takes somewhere between 8 and 24 gallons to create each pint, that glass of tasty brew probably won’t be readily available much longer.
Beer will become like ambrosia, the drink of the few who are wealthy enough to afford the luxury. And the rest of us? It’s likely we’ll end up as zombies (this whole thing started on Halloween, after all), stalking the 1% in search of a forever-out-of-reach satisfying sip of tasty malted ale. Unless – and we swear we’re not trying to start a sixpack stampede here – unless we start stockpiling NOW. Is there enough for 7 billion in your beer cellar?
Photo via Flickr user thepoweroflard