Father's Day Suggestions

Alright, Father’s Day is just around the corner. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's on June 19th - don't close the window and google search the date in a panic. There's time.
We know you want some awesome gift or activity for Father's Day, and so we've compiled a short list of options for your consideration. This is both because you’re our best friends and we want to get invited to your barbeques this summer.
For the Casual Craft Beer Enthusiast:
Yes, we know. This is kind of a no-brainer in Philadelphia.
While the random nature of bottle shops can often make tracking down and purchasing a single specific beer a chore, Philadelphia *does* benefit from pure variety. More than anything, I think a large reason that craft beer is so successful in Philadelphia is because of people's willingness to try something new (because oftentimes, simple scarcity and randomness of product means they're forced to).
We encourage you to just go ahead and mix a six pack for variety's sake. If you'd like something a little more fancy, try a few of these larger (i.e. fancier) bottles. They're fancy because they're larger!
Weyerbacher Sixteen - This is the anniversary release from Weyerbacher, and is probably one of the few braggot-style ales we've seen available in the area.
Ommegang Rare Vos - This Belgian Dark Ale rates favourably among the average beer enthusiast, and is usually an easy find down at The Foodery.
Victory Brewing V Twelve - A different sort of Belgian Ale, sold year-round. It's got notes of pears and apricot, and clocks in around 12%.
For the Out-of-State Wine-Taster:
If dad’s a little too far away for you to take him to some of the amazing wine bars that Philadelphia has to offer, then go to amazingwineclub.com for some great wine-of-the-month club options.
It’s a tad expensive when you look at just the whole cost of a little over $100, but it breaks down to six bottles of good wine (two per month) at around $17 a pop.
For the Dad Who Likes Fun Projects:
Homebrewing kit. We're serious. Take a trip with your dad down to Barry's Homebrew Outlet, ask the right questions, and really figure out what kind of beer you want to make with your dad. It's more of a long-term project, but it just gives you more chances to hang with that guy who taught you everything he knows about catching a ball, or removing hornet nests from the lightpost in Mr. McClusky's yard.
Then when you're done, you could call it something awesome like "Best Dad Ever Ale" or "Thanks For Always Taking Me Fishing Even Though I Kept Flipping The Boat Lager."
For the Cocktail-imbibing Gentleman:
You're in one of the best cocktail cities in America. We're serious.
Franklin Mortgage & Investment Co. is consistently ranked as one of the best new cocktail bars in America, and the Bartender's Guild is rapidly changing the landscape of drinking culture in Philadelphia by the handful.
Take Dad on a cocktail tour of some of the best bars around. Begin your journey at Amada over in Old City. Make your way toward Farmers' Cabinet in Center City for some beer-inspired cocktails, followed by Franklin Mortgage, then Noble. All of these places run conveniently along public transit, and will get you all home safe and sound.
Hope these will give y'all some ideas. Happy Father's Day!
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