Best Wine Apps for iPhone or Android

by Melissa Auman Greiner on Nov 30, 2011 in Wine
Best Wine Apps for iPhone or Android
Type “wine” into the search box on Apple’s App Store, and you get an overwhelming 1,438 results. The Android Market is no better, posting choices that number “at least 1000.” And – contrary to many other searches – nearly all of the results are actually relevant. Some I could easily cross off the download list (sorry, Triscuit Cracker Wine Pairing Guide), but most appeared to be legit.

To save you the same dilemma, and help you make educated decisions about where to place your wine-related app bucks, I read, clicked, downloaded, deleted and downloaded again. I did come up with a few suggestions that are definitely worth the space on your home screen. Wine has never been so approachable.

For shopping slickness: Snooth Wine Pro (iPhone – $4.99)
You find yourself in front of a massive display of white Burgandy, but your French is pitiful and your knowledge of the area’s vintners even more so. Take a photo of the bottle you are considering, and this little baby will dish all the details, provide reviews, and tell you if the store down the street has it cheaper. Other fun features include building a wishlist and a virtual cellar so those who stock-up will always know what they are low on. Android users can check out Swirl Pro (Android – $4). It has a lookup function that accesses the Snooth database for similar details, though you have to type in the name of a wine, instead of just snapping a pic. Also, there's a free version that allows all of the browsing and
tagging, but only let's you add a couple of wines.

For dinner and drinks know-how: HelloVino (iPhoneAndroid – Free)
Whether it’s a date or the boss you are set on impressing, excuse yourself from the table for a moment and whip out this app before ordering. Get recommendations from the country’s top sommerliers based on best sellers, your personal tastes, or the meal you plan on enjoying for supper. Just try and keep the showing off to a minimum. Bonus: HelloVino recently added photo/label recognition, too (see screenshot to the right).

For your next trip to the West Coast: Wine Wherever (iPhone – $.99)
Wine country bound? Place one of these easy reference guides on your phone and you can cruise the scenic roads without a map blocking your view. Allow it to use your GPS to list wineries near your current location, or search by city or name. It also shoots you coupons for tasting rooms on your path, helping you return home with a few bucks left in the account.

For remembering past loves: Wine Notes (iPhone – Free) or List, Ratings & Cellar (Android – Ad-Supported Free or $3)
Stumble upon a beauty of a Zin one night, but wake the next morning unable to recall her name? Save all the pertinent info in this journal – the name, year, tasting notes, and a pic of the bottle – and you’ll be ready to hunt that bottle down for a second go. And if you’re ready to go public, you can share your personal review with your friends via Twitter or Facebook.

Top photo via Flickr user vitalsine

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