Drink Recipes and More at America Eats' New Cocktail Classes

Here’s your chance to drink with one of the city’s most prestigious bartender, and learn something along the way. America Eats Tavern just announced a new series of monthly classes with Owen Thomson. Fresh off his appointment as lead bartender for all of Jose Andres’ Think Food Group establishments, the talented mixologist will lead sessions on how to craft great cocktails and tips on serving and pairing them.
Your enrollment fee will score you all the knowledge from the lesson as well as three cocktails and selected signature menu bites along the way. The first class will be held on Saturday, February 4, starting at 3 PM, and will focus on “punch” as the topic of the day. The full schedule of sip-happy Saturday seminars is as follows:
February 4 – Punch
March 3rd – Brandy
April 7th – Rum
May 5th – Whiskey
June 2nd – Gin
Space is limited, so you need to email Jen Fitzsimmons at JenF@americaeatstavern.com to reserve your spot. Sessions are $50 each, or spring for the three-class ($125) or five-class ($200) package. Happy sophisticated swirling!
Top photo via the restaurant on Facebook; bottom photo by Greg Powers