Matchbox 14th Street Opens November 30 With Wine on Tap

Life lately may be all about the holidays, but here’s another reason to give thanks: the 14th Street location of Matchbox will officially open its doors on Friday, November 30. In addition to offering tried-and-true fare (sliders and meatball pizza, anyone?) this Matchbox will also feature some marked differences.
As we reported over the summer, the 14th street location — at T street NW — will boast the largest bar yet. The design of the 25-footer is inspired by a bowling alley as an homage to the billiards and bowling hall that originally occupied the space in 1907; look for thin strips of wood and gutter-like curves at the edges. Behind the bar, this Matchbox will offer one prosecco and eight different wines on tap (most from the American Northwest), a feature unusual not just in the Matchbox family but in D.C. as a whole.
A selection of 23 draft beers will also be available, including local brews from Flying Dog, Three Stars, Chocolate City, DC Brau and Heavy Seas. The bottle selection is categorized by big (“big boys from far away”) and small (“little guys from close to home”). As at the other locations, 14th Street will also feature “fancy shmancy spirits,” “girly drinks,” “manly drinks” and the Matchbox infusions, such as jalapeno tequila, mint bourbon, watermelon vodka and cucumber gin.
Need to call it an early night after all those libations? No problem — you can phone-in or order online anything from the menu (from executive chef Jeffrey Richardson, formerly of the Capitol Hill location) and pick it up from a dedicated “to-go” station with its own T Street entrance. We foresee many wine-and-pizza dates in the near future.