Flying Dog Announces Brewhouse Rarities Series, New for 2013

Since moving production from Denver, CO to Frederick, MD in 2008, Flying Dog Brewery has been steadily growing its line of no-nonsense, unrestrained, generally kick-ass beers. In 2012 the brewery released no less than 40 different brews, including experimental projects like the International Arms Race collaboration/war we just reviewed here.
The company has just announced even more interesting beer is coming next year. Starting in January, a Brewhouse Rarities Series beer will be released each month. These are brainstorms from Flying Dog employees, who develop recipes, craft test batches and pitch their creations to their co-workers in hopes of being chosen for production. Anyone who works for the company can get involved, from brewhouse and packaging workers to those in accounting and sales.
“The only criteria that apply to our Brewhouse Rarities is that they are interesting and unusual,” says brewmaster Matt Brophy. Or, put another way, beers that are “too weird to live, too rare to die.” The small batch brews will be available only in the Mid-Atlantic region, and will mostly be draft-only releases.
Check out what to look forward to below. Do note that there’s no beer for November, and that’s on purpose — because of the seasonal nature of both the September and October releases, the timing needs o be left slightly flexible for those brews.
January: Chipotle Dark Ale
February: Green Tea Imperial Stout (750-ml. bottles in addition to draft)
March: Pumpernickel IPA
April: Big Black Wit
May: Easy IPA
June: Pineapple Saison
July: Belgian Devil (750-ml. bottles in addition to draft)
August: Roggen
September: Vineyard Blonde (brewed with local Vidal Blanc grapes)
October: Orchard Ale (brewed with local apples)
December: Cinnamon Porter (750-ml. bottles in addition to draft)