Bars in D.C. That Serve Gluten-Free Beer

We’ve been on a gluten-free beer kick lately. We reviewed of Dogfish Head’s new Tweason’ale (turns out it’s pretty good!), and then rounded up a whole bunch of other choices from breweries around the world. It’s wonderful that this market is expanding, because we feel awfully bad for people who can’t down a pint every now and then. (Sure, hard cider is delicious, and widely available, but it's not quite the same.)
Here are several spots celiac-suffering or gluten-free-living Washingtonians can go to kick one back at the bar, and what you can expect to find. Did we miss one? Let us know in the comments!
Brasserie Beck: Green’s Amber; Bard’s; Lakefront New Grist (1101 K St NW)
ChurchKey: Bard’s Gold; Lakefront New Grist; Redbridge; Saint Peter’s Sorgum; New Planet Tread Lightly & Off Grid Pale Ale; Dogfish Head Tweason’ale; Green’s Endeavour; and more (1337 14th St NW)
District of Pi: Lakefront New Grist (910 F St NW)
Mellow Mushroom: Lakefront New Grist (2436 18th St NW)
Meridian Pint: Dogfish Head Tweason’ale (3400 11th St NW)
RFD Washington: Lakefront New Grist (810 7th St NW)
Photo via Flickr user lpolinsky
Tags: Beer