Brickskeller Strong Ale Tastings at RFD with Bob Tupper, Feb 26 and 29

Brewhounds of all ilk have reason to look forward to next week, when tasting maestro Bob Tupper will be in the house at RFD in Chinatown for the annual Brickskeller Strong Ale Tastings. Held on Sunday, February 26, at 4 PM and Wednesday, February 29 at 7 PM, each event will feature a different selection of some of the region’s best imperial stouts, double IPAs, Belgian ales and barley wines.
Why strong ales? When Tupper and the Brickskeller began holding this type of tutored tasting session, back in the 1980s, they were pioneers. Events happened on a monthly basis, and barley wines and stronger brews seemed appropriate to the dreary winter month of February, Tupper tells us. In the ensuing years, U.S. craft beer culture has exploded, and tastings are held all the time at establishments around the country. Even as Brickskeller gave way to RFD, its original Holiday Tasting and Strong Ale Tasting have withstood the test of time.
A $40 ticket (or a $70 package deal for both evenings) brings the opportunity to sample more than 10 different high-octane brews. As you sip, explore the nuances of each strong sip during discussions with brewers from just about all represented labels, led by the well-seasoned Tupper (he and wife Ellie tasted their 20,000th beer (!) at RFD last year).
But are strong ales worth considering? In our recent interview, Washington Post columnist Jason Wilson said about strong brews, “Once [the ABV] gets above seven percent alcohol, I lose interest.”
It’s not all about the percentage, says RFD manager and beer director Aaron Copsey. “I am glad craft brewing has moved away from a ‘stronger and/or hoppier is always better’ mentality that seemed to be prevalent among beer geeks several years ago,” he shared via email, continuing “There are plenty of world class beers coming in well over 7% that were being brewed long before Americans started to ramp things up. Westvleteren 12 – a Belgian trappist quadrupel regarded by many to be the best beer in the world – is a prime example. There’s a time and a place for every beer, I think.”
Tupper adds, “In fact, we don't try to define ‘strong’ – the brewers do that for us. After all, a ‘strong ale’ in England is frequently about 5%. We've had beers below 5% at the strong beer tasting because they feature ‘strong flavors.’”
There you have it! So if you’re a suds fan of any kind, snag your tickets now (scroll down past the calendar for the PayPal link).
Photo via RFD on Facebook
Event Date: 02/26,02/29
Event Time: 4 PM or 7 PM
Location: RFD
Price: $40 or $70 for both